AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
◆ Find()
Factory constructor method Constructor which returns a reference to a named item. This non-static factory constructor searches an existing SDS item for a item with a specified name and creates a reference to it, which is returned. The object on which the method is invoked must reference an SDS Structure item (rather then an array or primitive).
Referenced by drama::ArrayParameter< SDS_T >::Fill(), drama::ArrayParameter< SDS_T >::Get(), Put(), Put(), drama::ArrayParameter< SDS_T >::Set(), drama::ArrayParameter< std::string >::Set(), and drama::ArrayParameter< SDS_T >::Set(). |
Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au
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