AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
▼ drama | |
action.hh | |
bulkdata.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Bulk Data support |
debugfuture.hh | Aids to the debugging of futures |
entryinfo.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - implements a class providing access to details on an action entry |
exception.hh | DRAMA 2 Exception classes |
gitarg.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - GIT ARG implementation |
gitpath.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - GIT Path implementation |
gittask.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - GIT Task implementation |
logger.hh | Header file for a DRAMA 2 class which implements Logging |
messagehandler.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Message Handler class definition |
parameter.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Parameter class definition |
parsys.hh | DITS parameter system include file - DRAMA 2 interface |
path.hh | DRAMA 2 include file |
request.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Request class definition |
sds.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Sds class definition |
sdsarray.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - drama::sds::ArrayAccessHelper Sds class definitions |
spawnable.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Spawnable action implementation |
task.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Task class definition |
thread.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Code common to DRAMA 2 features supporting threading |
threadaction.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Threaded Action class definition |
threaddispatch.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - provides utility classes around the idea of dispatching message sending to threads |
threadmonitor.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Threaded monitoring classes |
threaduface.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Threaded UFACE class definition |
util.hh | DRAMA 2 include file - Utility macros, types etc |
drama.hh | DRAMA 2 main include file |
overview.h |
Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au
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