AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
◆ Resize()
template<class ContainerType >
Change the dimensions of an SDS array. This object must be an SDS array (either primitive or structured). This method resizes the arrary. Note that it does not move the data elements in the storage representing the array, so there is no guarantee that after resizing the array the same data will be found at the same array index positions as before resizing, though this will be the case for simple changes such as a change in the last dimension only. If the size of a primitive array is increased the contents of the extra locations is undefined. Decreasing the size causes the data beyond the new limit to be lost. If a structure array is extended the new elements created will be empty structures. If a structure array is decreased in size, the lost elements and all their components will be deleted.
References drama::CreateRunDramaTask(), DramaTHROW, and DramaTHROW_S. |
Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au
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