AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NdramaThe drama namespace contains all the classes, types etc of the DRAMA 2 implementation
 NgitName space used to implement AAO Generic Implementation task features
 CPathA path object for communicating with DRAMA GIT tasks
 CResetArgLookupThis lookup class is used with ResetArgNum as part of creating a drama::gitarg::Enum item
 CResetTypeA type used to represent the current reset mode
 CTaskCreate a DRAMA task which obeys the GIT specification
 NgitargNamespace containing the GIT Argument reading classes
 CArgFlagsThis class is used to check for the existence of one or more flags in an SDS structure
 CArgFlagValType used to specify arg/flag relationships to ArgFlags class
 CBoolA class which reads Boolean values from SDS argument structures
 CEnumA class which reads Enumerated values from a SDS argument structures
 CEnumLookupClassAn interface for the lookup class template arguments to drama::gitarg::Enum
 CFilenameA class which reads a file name from an SDS Command argument structures
 CIdA class which reads an SDS structure from DRAMA SDS Command argument structures
 CIntA class which reads integer values from an SDS argument structure
 CRealA class which reads real values from an SDS argument structure
 CStringA class which reads a string item from an SDS structure
 NloggingThis namespace implements the DRAMA 2 Logging system
 CLoggerImplementation of a Class supporting Logging within an AAO DRAMA Task
 CLogStreamBufImplement a streambuf sub-class that can write messages via the DRAMA Logger interface
 NsdsThis namespace implements access to DRAMA SDS data structures
 CArrayAccessHelperHelper class for access to an SDS Scalar Arrays
 CArrayContainerA container for simple arrays for use with SDS templates
 CArrayReadHelperHelper class for reading data from SDS Scalar Arrays
 CArrayWriteHelperHelper class for writing data to SDS Scalar Arrays
 CDataPointerA class that provides direct access to the data of an SDS item, via a sub-class of std::unique_ptr<>
 CDataPointer< T[]>A class that provides direct access to the data of an SDS item, via a sub-class of std::unique_ptr<>
 CIdA C++ Interface to the handling SDS structures
 CIdCheckerA class to check for SDS leaks
 CIdIteratorAn iterator for working through SDS Structures and SDS arrays of structures
 CPrintObjectCRAbstract class which is sub-classed to print SDS item listings
 CPrintObjectPntAbstract class which is sub-classed to print SDS item listings
 NthreadThis namespace is used for features which are particular to supporting C++11 thread based operations within DRAMA 2
 CAccessDramaA class used by threads to access and enable the DRAMA context of an action or of a particular UFACE context
 CKickNotifierAn object used to obtain notifications of kicks
 CMonitorAn abstract class which implements a DRAMA Parameter monitor in a thread
 CMonitorByTypeA class implementing Monitor which invokes particular methods for parameters of given base types
 CMonitorMessageHandlerHandle replies to DRAMA Monitor Messages
 CMonitorToParamA class implementing Monitor which copies the value of a monitored parameter into one of the same name or a derived name in the current task
 CProcessInfoA class with information used by the TransEvtProcessor methods
 CSignalBlockerConstructing an object of this type will block all blockable UNIX signals in the current thread
 CTActionA class which implements a DRAMA Action with runs a thread
 CTActionViaFunctorThis class is used to creating TAction objects referring to functions
 CTMessHandlerThis interface class must be implemented by classes which have threads waiting for messages
 CTSdsListToUserObjObject used to print SDS objects using MessageUser from TMessHandler objects
 CTUfaceA class which allows threads running in a User Interface or similar environments to send DRAMA messages
 CArrayParameterThe class ArrayParameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing arrays of primitive items (one dimension only)
 CArrayParameter< std::string >The class ArrayParameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing arrays of primitive items (one dimension only)
 CBuffersA Class which supports setting up DRAMA message buffer structures
 CBulkDataDefines and optionally creates a shared memory section
 CBulkDataArgA class used to manage a bulk data argument to an action
 CBulkDataArgSdsClass used to access SDS structure in bulk data arguments
 CBulkDataSdsDefines and optionally creates a shared memory section containing an SDS structure
 CEntryInfoUsed to access details about a DRAMA message event (and entry to an action)
 CErsContextA Class used to manage ERS context
 CExceptionAn Exception class for exceptions thrown by DRAMA V2 classes
 CFutureA class which wraps a std::future<T> and provides debugging output to stderr
 CFuture< void >A class which wraps a std::future<void> and provides debugging output to stderr
 CGetPathEventHandlerDefault event handler type for GetPath() calls
 CIsRunningTypeA message event handling object that maintains a variable indicating if the message is outstanding
 CMessageEventHandlerMessage event handling objects
 CMessageHandlerA class which implements a DRAMA Message Handler
 CMessageHandlerViaFunctorThis class is used to creating MessageHandler objects referring to functions
 CMessageUserStreamBufImplement a streambuf sub-class that can write messages via the DRAMA MessageUser interface
 CMonForwardEventHandlerForward monitor message event handling objects
 CnodelDeclare an operator to be used as a deletion operator by std::shared_ptr
 CObeyThreadDispatcherImplement a ThreadDispatcher which sends Obey messages
 COrphanDetailsStructure which maintains details on orphan transactions
 CParameterThe class Parameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing primitive items
 CParameter< drama::sds::Id >The class Parameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing primitive items
 CParIdA class used to access a DRAMA Parameter via an SDS Id
 CParSysA DRAMA 2 C++ Interface to the DRAMA Simple DITS Parameter System (SDP)
 CPathA Class which provides access to DRAMA's message sending facilities
 CRequestClass used by Obey and Kick handlers to indicate rescheduling requirements
 CRunDramaExitNotifierClass used to arrange for notifications when the RunDrama exits
 CScopeGuardThis class implements a simple scope guard class
 CScopeGuardAtomicThis class implements a simple scope guard class with an std::atomic based type as the underlying type
 CSdsListToUserObjObject used to print SDS objects using MessageUser from MessageHandler objects
 CSpawnableA class which implements a Spawnable DRAMA Message Handler
 CTaskA class which implements a DRAMA task
 CThreadDispatcherA class to dispatch message sending to another thread
 CTransEvtInfoStructure is used to store details about a DRAMA reschedule message relating to a transaction, so the information can be transferred to a thread