AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
Cdrama::ArrayParameter< SDS_T > | The class ArrayParameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing arrays of primitive items (one dimension only) |
Cdrama::ArrayParameter< std::string > | The class ArrayParameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing arrays of primitive items (one dimension only) |
Cdrama::Buffers | A Class which supports setting up DRAMA message buffer structures |
▼Cdrama::BulkData | Defines and optionally creates a shared memory section |
▼Cdrama::BulkDataArg | A class used to manage a bulk data argument to an action |
Cdrama::BulkDataArgSds | Class used to access SDS structure in bulk data arguments |
Cdrama::BulkDataSds | Defines and optionally creates a shared memory section containing an SDS structure |
Cdrama::EntryInfo | Used to access details about a DRAMA message event (and entry to an action) |
Cdrama::ErsContext | A Class used to manage ERS context |
Cdrama::Future< T > | A class which wraps a std::future<T> and provides debugging output to stderr |
Cdrama::Future< void > | A class which wraps a std::future<void> and provides debugging output to stderr |
Cdrama::GetPathEventHandler | Default event handler type for GetPath() calls |
Cdrama::gitarg::ArgFlags< ContainerType, > | This class is used to check for the existence of one or more flags in an SDS structure |
Cdrama::gitarg::ArgFlagVal | Type used to specify arg/flag relationships to ArgFlags class |
Cdrama::gitarg::Bool | A class which reads Boolean values from SDS argument structures |
Cdrama::gitarg::Enum< LookupClass, EnumType > | A class which reads Enumerated values from a SDS argument structures |
▼Cdrama::gitarg::EnumLookupClass | An interface for the lookup class template arguments to drama::gitarg::Enum |
Cdrama::git::ResetArgLookup | This lookup class is used with ResetArgNum as part of creating a drama::gitarg::Enum item |
Cdrama::gitarg::Int< MinVal, MaxVal, DefaultVal > | A class which reads integer values from an SDS argument structure |
Cdrama::gitarg::Real< MinVal, MaxVal, DefaultVal > | A class which reads real values from an SDS argument structure |
Cdrama::logging::Logger | Implementation of a Class supporting Logging within an AAO DRAMA Task |
Cdrama::logging::LogStreamBuf | Implement a streambuf sub-class that can write messages via the DRAMA Logger interface |
▼Cdrama::MessageEventHandler | Message event handling objects |
Cdrama::IsRunningType | A message event handling object that maintains a variable indicating if the message is outstanding |
Cdrama::MonForwardEventHandler | Forward monitor message event handling objects |
Cdrama::thread::MonitorMessageHandler | Handle replies to DRAMA Monitor Messages |
▼Cdrama::MessageHandler | A class which implements a DRAMA Message Handler |
Cdrama::MessageHandlerViaFunctor | This class is used to creating MessageHandler objects referring to functions |
▼Cdrama::thread::TAction | A class which implements a DRAMA Action with runs a thread |
Cdrama::thread::TActionViaFunctor | This class is used to creating TAction objects referring to functions |
Cdrama::MessageUserStreamBuf< T > | Implement a streambuf sub-class that can write messages via the DRAMA MessageUser interface |
Cdrama::nodel | Declare an operator to be used as a deletion operator by std::shared_ptr |
Cdrama::Parameter< SDS_T > | The class Parameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing primitive items |
Cdrama::Parameter< drama::sds::Id > | The class Parameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing primitive items |
Cdrama::ParSys | A DRAMA 2 C++ Interface to the DRAMA Simple DITS Parameter System (SDP) |
▼Cdrama::Path | A Class which provides access to DRAMA's message sending facilities |
Cdrama::git::Path | A path object for communicating with DRAMA GIT tasks |
Cdrama::Request | Class used by Obey and Kick handlers to indicate rescheduling requirements |
▼Cdrama::RunDramaExitNotifier | Class used to arrange for notifications when the RunDrama exits |
Cdrama::thread::KickNotifier | An object used to obtain notifications of kicks |
Cdrama::thread::TAction | A class which implements a DRAMA Action with runs a thread |
Cdrama::thread::TUface | A class which allows threads running in a User Interface or similar environments to send DRAMA messages |
Cdrama::ScopeGuard< T > | This class implements a simple scope guard class |
Cdrama::ScopeGuardAtomic< AT, T > | This class implements a simple scope guard class with an std::atomic based type as the underlying type |
▼Cdrama::sds::ArrayAccessHelper< T > | Helper class for access to an SDS Scalar Arrays |
Cdrama::sds::ArrayReadHelper< T > | Helper class for reading data from SDS Scalar Arrays |
Cdrama::sds::ArrayWriteHelper< T > | Helper class for writing data to SDS Scalar Arrays |
Cdrama::sds::ArrayContainer< T > | A container for simple arrays for use with SDS templates |
▼Cdrama::sds::Id | A C++ Interface to the handling SDS structures |
Cdrama::BulkDataArgSds | Class used to access SDS structure in bulk data arguments |
Cdrama::BulkDataSds | Defines and optionally creates a shared memory section containing an SDS structure |
Cdrama::ParId | A class used to access a DRAMA Parameter via an SDS Id |
Cdrama::gitarg::Id | A class which reads an SDS structure from DRAMA SDS Command argument structures |
Cdrama::sds::IdChecker | A class to check for SDS leaks |
Cdrama::sds::IdIterator | An iterator for working through SDS Structures and SDS arrays of structures |
▼Cdrama::sds::PrintObjectCR | Abstract class which is sub-classed to print SDS item listings |
Cdrama::SdsListToUserObj | Object used to print SDS objects using MessageUser from MessageHandler objects |
Cdrama::thread::TSdsListToUserObj | Object used to print SDS objects using MessageUser from TMessHandler objects |
Cdrama::sds::PrintObjectPnt | Abstract class which is sub-classed to print SDS item listings |
Cdrama::Spawnable | A class which implements a Spawnable DRAMA Message Handler |
▼Cdrama::Task | A class which implements a DRAMA task |
Cdrama::git::Task | Create a DRAMA task which obeys the GIT specification |
Cdrama::thread::AccessDrama | A class used by threads to access and enable the DRAMA context of an action or of a particular UFACE context |
▼Cdrama::thread::Monitor | An abstract class which implements a DRAMA Parameter monitor in a thread |
Cdrama::thread::MonitorByType | A class implementing Monitor which invokes particular methods for parameters of given base types |
Cdrama::thread::MonitorToParam | A class implementing Monitor which copies the value of a monitored parameter into one of the same name or a derived name in the current task |
Cdrama::thread::ProcessInfo | A class with information used by the TransEvtProcessor methods |
Cdrama::thread::SignalBlocker | Constructing an object of this type will block all blockable UNIX signals in the current thread |
▼Cdrama::thread::TMessHandler | This interface class must be implemented by classes which have threads waiting for messages |
Cdrama::thread::TAction | A class which implements a DRAMA Action with runs a thread |
Cdrama::thread::TUface | A class which allows threads running in a User Interface or similar environments to send DRAMA messages |
▼Cdrama::ThreadDispatcher | A class to dispatch message sending to another thread |
Cdrama::ObeyThreadDispatcher | Implement a ThreadDispatcher which sends Obey messages |
▼Cdrama::TransEvtInfo | Structure is used to store details about a DRAMA reschedule message relating to a transaction, so the information can be transferred to a thread |
Cdrama::OrphanDetails | Structure which maintains details on orphan transactions |
▼Cdrama::gitarg::Enum< ResetEnumLookup, ResetEnum > | |
Cdrama::git::ResetType | A type used to represent the current reset mode |
Cdrama::Parameter< float > | |
Cdrama::Parameter< INT32 > | |
Cdrama::Parameter< std::string > | |
▼Cstd::basic_string< Char > | STL class |
▼Cstd::string | STL class |
▼Cdrama::gitarg::String | A class which reads a string item from an SDS structure |
Cdrama::gitarg::Filename | A class which reads a file name from an SDS Command argument structures |
▼Cstd::exception | STL class |
Cdrama::Exception | An Exception class for exceptions thrown by DRAMA V2 classes |
▼Cstd::unique_ptr< T > | STL class |
Cdrama::sds::DataPointer< T > | A class that provides direct access to the data of an SDS item, via a sub-class of std::unique_ptr<> |
Cdrama::sds::DataPointer< T[]> | A class that provides direct access to the data of an SDS item, via a sub-class of std::unique_ptr<> |
Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au
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