AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
This is the complete list of members for drama::gitarg::Id, including all inherited members.
ActualName() const | drama::gitarg::Id | virtual |
AddToArgCmdStruct(const ContainerType &values, const unsigned firstArg=1) | drama::sds::Id | inline |
ArrayAccess(ArrayAccessHelper< T > *const data) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
ArrayAccess(const unsigned long nitems, sds::ArrayAccessHelper< T > *const data) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
ArrayAccess(ArrayAccessHelper< T > *const data, long ndims, ContainerType *dims) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
ArrayAccess(ArrayAccessHelper< T > *const data, ContainerType *dims) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Cell(const ContainerType &indicies, bool throwOnNotFound=true) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
CheckItem(SdsCodeType code, const ContainerType &dims) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
ClearDelete() | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Copy() const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
COut(const bool outlives, bool *const free=0, bool *const del=0, bool *const readfree=0) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
CreateArgCmdStruct(const ContainerType &values, const std::string &name="ArgStructure") | drama::sds::Id | inlinestatic |
CreateArgCmdStruct(const std::initializer_list< T > &values, const std::string &name="ArgStructure") | drama::sds::Id | inlinestatic |
CreateArgCmdStructSingle(const T value, const std::string &name="ArgStructure") | drama::sds::Id | inlinestatic |
CreateArgStruct(const std::string &name="ArgStructure") | drama::sds::Id | static |
CreateByAccess(ContainerType *container) | drama::sds::Id | inlinestatic |
CreateByImport(const ContainerType &container) | drama::sds::Id | inlinestatic |
CreateChildArray(const std::string &name, const SdsCodeType code, const ContainerType &dims, const std::string &extra="") const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
CreateChildArray(const std::string &name, const SdsCodeType code, const unsigned nElem, const std::string &extra="") const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
CreateChildItem(const std::string &name, const SdsCodeType code, const std::string &extra="") const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
CreateFromSdsId(const SdsId &item) | drama::sds::Id | static |
CreateFromSdsId(SdsId *item) | drama::sds::Id | static |
CreateFromSdsIdType(const SdsIdType item, const bool free=false, const bool del=false, const bool readfree=false) | drama::sds::Id | static |
CreateFromSdsIdTypeCopy(const SdsIdType item) | drama::sds::Id | static |
CreateNullItem() | drama::sds::Id | static |
CreateTopLevel(const std::string &name, const SdsCodeType code, const std::string &extra="") | drama::sds::Id | static |
CreateTopLevelArray(const std::string &name, const SdsCodeType code, const ContainerType &dims, const std::string &extra="") | drama::sds::Id | inlinestatic |
CreateTopLevelArray(const std::string &name, const SdsCodeType code, const unsigned nElem, const std::string &extra="") | drama::sds::Id | inlinestatic |
Delete() | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Exists(const std::string &name) const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
Exists(unsigned index) const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
Export(ContainerType *container) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
ExportDefined(ContainerType *container) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Extract() | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
FillArray(const Id &elem) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Find(const std::string &name, bool throwOnNotFound=true) const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
Flush() | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
FromFile(const std::string &filename) | drama::sds::Id | static |
Get(const sds::Id &Id, const std::string &Name="Argument1", const int Position=1, const std::string Default="", const Flags flags=(Flags::KeepErr)) | drama::gitarg::Id | virtual |
drama::sds::Id::Get(const unsigned long length, T *const data, unsigned long *actlen=nullptr, const unsigned long offset=0) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
drama::sds::Id::Get(const std::string &name, T *value) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
drama::sds::Id::Get(T *value) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
GetCode() const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
GetDims(ContainerType *dims) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
GetDouble() const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
GetExtra() const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
GetInt() const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
GetLong() const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
GetName() const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
GetNumItems() const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
GetString() const | drama::sds::Id | |
GetUInt() const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
GetULong() const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
Id() | drama::gitarg::Id | inline |
Id(const sds::Id &Id, const std::string &Name="Argument1", const int Position=1, const std::string Default="", const Flags flags=Flags::KeepErr) | drama::gitarg::Id | inline |
Id(drama::thread::TAction *taction, const sds::Id &Id, const std::string &Name="Argument1", const int Position=1, const std::string Default="", const Flags flags=Flags::KeepErr) | drama::gitarg::Id | inline |
drama::sds::Id::Id(const Id &source)=delete | drama::sds::Id | |
drama::sds::Id::Id(Id &&source) noexcept | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Index(const long index, bool throwOnNotFound=true) const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
Insert(Id &to_insert) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Insert(Id &to_insert, const ContainerType &dims) | drama::sds::Id | inline |
IsExternal() const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
List() const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
List(FILE *to) const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
List(std::ostream &strm, int lineMaxLen=100) const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
List(PrintObjectPnt *printer, int lineMaxLen=100) const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
List(const PrintObjectCR &printer, int lineMaxLen=100) const | drama::sds::Id | virtual |
operator bool() const | drama::sds::Id | inlineexplicit |
operator SdsIdType() const | drama::sds::Id | inlineexplicit |
operator=(const Id &rhs)=delete | drama::sds::Id | |
operator=(Id &&rhs) noexcept | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Outlive() | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Pointer(T **data, unsigned long *length=0) const | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Put(const unsigned long length, const T *const data, const unsigned long offset=0) | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Put(const std::string &name, T value, const std::string &extraData="") | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Put(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const std::string &extraData="") | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Put(T value) | drama::sds::Id | inline |
Put(const std::string &value) | drama::sds::Id | inline |
PutExtra(const std::string &extra) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Rename(const std::string &name) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Resize(const ContainerType &dims) | drama::sds::Id | inline |
SetDelete() | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
SetFree() | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
ShallowCopy(const Id &source) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
ShallowCopy(Id *source, const bool outlives) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
ShallowCopy(const SdsIdType source, const bool free=false, const bool del=false, const bool readfree=false) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
Size() const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
SizeDefined() const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
ToSdsId(::SdsId *target, const bool outlives=false) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
toString(int maxlen=200) | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
ValidateCode(SdsCodeType requiredCode) const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
WasReadFromDefault() const | drama::gitarg::Id | virtual |
WasReadFromFile() const | drama::gitarg::Id | virtual |
Write(const std::string &filename) const | drama::sds::Id | inlinevirtual |
~Id() | drama::gitarg::Id | virtual |
Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au
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