AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
drama::OrphanDetails Class Reference

Detailed Description

Structure which maintains details on orphan transactions.

This is a simple structure intended to be read-only after creation. It inherits TransEvtInfo and adds some extra information.

Data members are public largely because this is intended to work more like a structure then a class. May be revised later.

#include "task.hh"

Inheritance diagram for drama::OrphanDetails:

Public Member Functions

 OrphanDetails (TransEvtInfo evtInfo, sds::IdPtr arg, DitsPathType thePath, DitsTransIdType tid)
 Construct an OrphanDetails item.

Public Attributes

sds::IdPtr argument
 The Argument to the transaction.
DitsBulkInfoType bulkInfo
 Details on bulk data transfer.
bool complete
 IS transaction complete.
std::string entryName
 Name with entry.
EntryCode entryReason
 Reason for entry.
StatusType entryStatus
 Entry status value.
std::string loadErrText
 Load error text

DitsPathType path
 The DITS path the transaction was sent to.
DitsTransIdType transId
 The DITS Transaction ID.

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