AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
Message event handling objects.
When waiting for transactions in response to messages sent, objects of this type are used to process messages. A user may sub-class this and override the virtual methods in order to change the processing for events.
The sub-class may also want to override the WaitTimeout() method of the TransEvtProcessor sub-class.
#include "path.hh"
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | BulkDone (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo) |
Invoked if a bulk data done message is received. | |
virtual void | BulkTransferred (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, DitsBulkInfoType bulkInfo) |
Invoked if a bulk data transferred message is received. | |
virtual void | ErrorReport (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, const std::string &task, const ErsMessageVector &messages) |
Invoked if an error report for the user is received. | |
virtual bool | KickReceived (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, const sds::IdPtr &arg) |
Invoked if an action waiting on a message receives a kick message during the wait. | |
virtual void | MessageComplete (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, StatusType status, const sds::IdPtr &arg) |
Invoked if a message complete message is received. | |
virtual void | MessageRejected (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, StatusType status) |
Invoked if the message sent was rejected by the target task. | |
virtual void | NewTransaction (DitsMsgType msgType, DitsTransIdType tid) override |
This method is invoked each time a message is initiated. | |
virtual bool | Process (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, const TransEvtInfo &eventInfo, const sds::IdPtr &arg) override final |
Method invoked to process messages. | |
virtual void | SignalReceived (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, const sds::IdPtr &arg) |
Invoked if a signal for the action is received. | |
virtual void | TaskDied (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, StatusType status) |
Invoked if the subsidiary task died whilst we were waiting for a reply from it. | |
virtual void | ThreadWaitAbort (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, StatusType status) |
Invoked if the thread wait is aborted. | |
virtual void | TriggerReceived (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, StatusType status, const sds::IdPtr &arg) |
Invoked if a trigger message is received. | |
virtual void | UserMessage (thread::ProcessInfo messInfo, const std::string &task, const std::string &message) |
Invoked if a message for the user is received. | |
virtual bool | WaitTimeout (std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point *until) |
This method is invoked when a timeout occurs. | |
Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au
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