AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
This is the complete list of members for drama::git::Task, including all inherited members.
_EnqDevDescr | drama::git::Task | protected |
_EnqDevNumItem | drama::git::Task | protected |
_EnqDevType | drama::git::Task | protected |
_EnqVerDate | drama::git::Task | protected |
_EnqVerNum | drama::git::Task | protected |
_Initialised | drama::git::Task | protected |
_MessageUser(const std::string &text) const | drama::Task | virtual |
_PollPar | drama::git::Task | protected |
_SimulateLevel | drama::git::Task | protected |
_TimeBase | drama::git::Task | protected |
ActionMethod typedef | drama::Task | |
Add(const std::string &name, MessageHandlerPtr obj, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inlinevirtual |
Add(const std::string &name, MessageHandler *obj, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inlinevirtual |
Add(const std::string &name, MessageReceiveFunction func, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inlinevirtual |
AddMth(const std::string &actionName, T method, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inline |
AddMthThd(const std::string &actionName, T method, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inline |
AddOrphanToQueue(const OrphanDetails &orphan) | drama::Task | inline |
AddSpawnable(const std::string &name, SpawnablePtr obj, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inlinevirtual |
AddSpawnable(const std::string &name, Spawnable *obj, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inlinevirtual |
AddTA(const std::string &name, thread::ThreadActionFunction func, const std::string &descr="") | drama::Task | inlinevirtual |
CancelNotifyOnRunDramaExit(RunDramaExitNotifier *notifier) | drama::Task | |
DefBufSize | drama::Task | static |
DefSelfBufSize | drama::Task | static |
GetJoinTimeout() const | drama::Task | virtual |
GetLogSysName() const | drama::git::Task | inline |
GetSimulationLevel() const | drama::git::Task | |
GetSimulationStr() | drama::git::Task | |
GetSimulationTimeBase() | drama::git::Task | |
GetTaskCreThreadId() const | drama::Task | inline |
GetTaskDescription(const std::string &taskName) const | drama::Task | |
GetTaskRunThreadId() const | drama::Task | inline |
GetTaskType(const std::string &taskName) const | drama::Task | |
guardType typedef | drama::Task | |
IsSimulating() const | drama::git::Task | |
Lock() | drama::Task | inline |
Logger() | drama::Task | inline |
mutexType typedef | drama::Task | |
NotifyOnRunDramaExit(RunDramaExitNotifier *notifier) | drama::Task | |
OrphanHandler(const OrphanDetails &details) | drama::Task | protectedvirtual |
PollKick(MessageHandler *messageHandler) | drama::git::Task | virtual |
PollObeyOverride(MessageHandler *messageHandler) | drama::git::Task | virtual |
PollRescheduleEvent(MessageHandler *messageHandler) | drama::git::Task | virtual |
PollRescheduleRequest() | drama::git::Task | virtual |
PollSignalEvent(MessageHandler *messageHandler) | drama::git::Task | virtual |
RunDrama() | drama::Task | virtual |
SeparateThreadRunsDrama() | drama::Task | inline |
SetDetails(const std::string &descr, int type=0) | drama::Task | |
Signal(const std::string &name, sds::Id *arg=nullptr, void *data=nullptr) | drama::Task | |
Signal(long int index, sds::Id *arg=nullptr, void *data=nullptr) | drama::Task | |
Task(const std::string &taskName, const std::string &logSysName, const std::string &verNum, const std::string &verDate, const std::string &description, const std::string &taskType="IDT", const std::string &simVarName="", int simLevels=GIT_M_SIM_ALLLEVELS, int buffer=drama::Task::DefBufSize, int flags=0, int selfBytes=drama::Task::DefSelfBufSize) | drama::git::Task | |
drama::Task::Task(const std::string &name, int buffer=DefBufSize, int flags=0, int selfBytes=DefSelfBufSize) | drama::Task | |
TaskName() const | drama::Task | inline |
TaskPtr() | drama::Task | inline |
TaskPtrAs() | drama::Task | inline |
ThreadActionMethod typedef | drama::Task | |
uniqueLockType typedef | drama::Task | |
~Task() | drama::git::Task | virtual |
Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au
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