AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface

◆ Task()

drama::git::Task::Task ( const std::string &  taskName,
const std::string &  logSysName,
const std::string &  verNum,
const std::string &  verDate,
const std::string &  description,
const std::string &  taskType = "IDT",
const std::string &  simVarName = "",
int  simLevels = GIT_M_SIM_ALLLEVELS,
int  buffer = drama::Task::DefBufSize,
int  flags = 0,
int  selfBytes = drama::Task::DefSelfBufSize 

Create a DRAMA task which implements the AAO GIT Specification.

taskNameThe name for the task.
logSysNameLogging system name - used to access environment variables used in setting up logging. See drama::logging::Logger.
verNumThe task version number as a string. For AAO tasks, this is normally derived from the ACMM Version number, e.g r1_4 for ACMM Version 1.4. AAO dmakefile's can use standard code to generate this. This value is placed in the ENQ_VER_NUM parameter.
verDateThe task build date. The AAO normally used the command "date +%d-%b-%Y" to generate this string and AAO dmakefile's can use standard code to generate this. This value value is placed in the ENQ_VER_DATE parameter.
descriptionA string to be placed in the GIT ENQ_DEV_DESCR parameter.
taskTypeA string to be placed in the GIT ENQ_DEV_TYPE parameter. See the GIT documentation for defined types.
simVarNameIF not empty, then this is the name of a environment variable which is used to determine the simulation level when the simulation not been set by the SIMULATE_LEVEL command or by setting the SIMULATE_LEVEL parameter
simLevelsA bit mask indicate the acceptable simulation levels. The possible values are GIT_M_SIM_BASIC, GIT_M_SIM_COMMANDS, GIT_M_SIM_STATUS. FULL simulation and NONE are always allowed. Set to GIT_M_SIM_ALLLEVELS to accept all values.
bufferThe DRAMA Task global message buffer size (bytes). Defaults to DefBufSize (20000) which should be enough for small tasks. See DitsAppInit().
flagsDRAMA Initialization flags. See DitsAppInit() for possible values.
selfBytesSize for the message buffer used to send messages to self. Only used if the DITS_M_SELF_BYTES flag is set. Default is DefSelBufSize (2000) bytes which enough for normal uses of DitsSignal() and related functions.