AAO DRAMA/DRAMA2 C++ Interface
DRAMA C++11 and later interface
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
util.hh File Reference

Detailed Description

DRAMA 2 include file - Utility macros, types etc.

Tony Farrell, AAO $Revision$ $Date$ $Id$
#include <string>
#include "drama2_err.h"
#include "status.h"
#include <atomic>

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class  drama::ScopeGuard< T >
 This class implements a simple scope guard class. More...
class  drama::ScopeGuardAtomic< AT, T >
 This class implements a simple scope guard class with an std::atomic based type as the underlying type. More...


namespace  drama
 The drama namespace contains all the classes, types etc of the DRAMA 2 implementation.


std::string drama::FindFile (const std::string &spec, bool impdir=false)
 Find a file using DulFindFile() specifications.
std::string drama::StatusToString (StatusType status)
 Convert a DRAMA status code to text.
template<typename Container >
void drama::stringtok (Container &container, std::string const &in, const char *const delimiters=" \t\n\r")
 stringtok is a replacment for C's strtok() function.