static const char *rcsId="@(#) $Id$";
static void *use_rcsId = (0 ? (void *)(&use_rcsId) : (void *) &rcsId);
#include <iostream>
using drama::thread::MonitorToParam::MonitorToParam;
const std::string &in)
std::string MyMonitor::Transform(const std::string &in)
return std::string("T_") + in;
MyMonitor myMonitor(task->
TaskPtr(), {
"PARAM1" ,
"PARAM3" });
ufaceHandler.MessageUser("About to run monitor");
myMonitor.Run(&testtask, &ufaceHandler);
throw e;
catch (...)
Monitor() :
param1(TaskPtr(), "T_PARAM1", 0),
param2(TaskPtr(), "T_PARAM2", ""),
param3(TaskPtr(), "T_PARAM3", 0.0) {
_ufaceThreadFuture = std::async(std::launch::async, MonitorThread, this);
if (_ufaceThreadFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(seconds)) !=
"UFACE Thread did not complete");
~Monitor() {
int main()
Monitor task;
catch (const std::exception &e)
std::cerr << "std::exception thrown by task.RunDrama"
<< e.what()
<< std::endl;
return 0;
virtual int statusAsSysExitCode() const
Return a system exit code based on the DRAMA Status.
Definition exception.hh:425
virtual void Print(FILE *file=stderr, bool include_stacktrace=false) const
Print exception details to a file.
virtual StatusType dramaStatus() const
Return the DRAMA Status code associated with the exception.
Definition exception.hh:405
An Exception class for exceptions thrown by DRAMA V2 classes.
Definition exception.hh:162
The class Parameter is used to implement DRAMA parameters containing primitive items.
Definition parameter.hh:108
A Class which provides access to DRAMA's message sending facilities.
Definition path.hh:689
virtual void Add(const std::string &name, MessageHandlerPtr obj, const std::string &descr="")
Add an action to the task.
Definition task.hh:696
std::weak_ptr< Task > TaskPtr()
Returns a weak pointer to the task.
Definition task.hh:975
A class which implements a DRAMA task.
Definition task.hh:441
virtual std::string Transform(const std::string &in)
Transform method, default implementation.
A class implementing Monitor which copies the value of a monitored parameter into one of the same nam...
Definition threadmonitor.hh:415
Constructing an object of this type will block all blockable UNIX signals in the current thread.
Definition thread.hh:586
A class which allows threads running in a User Interface or similar environments to send DRAMA messag...
Definition threaduface.hh:93
DRAMA 2 main include file.
#define DramaTHROW(status_, message_)
Throw a Drama exception.
Definition exception.hh:87
void SignalDramaToExit(std::weak_ptr< Task > dramaTask, StatusType exitStatus=STATUS__OK)
Signal to DRAMA that this task should exit.
void CreateRunDramaTask()
Create and run a DRAMA task, with standard exception handling.
Definition task.hh:1322
Request SimpleExitAction(drama::MessageHandler *messageHandler)
A function which implements a simple exit action.
The drama namespace contains all the classes, types etc of the DRAMA 2 implementation.
Definition drama.hh:93
DRAMA 2 include file - Threaded monitoring classes.