AAO DRAMA C++ Interface (Old style)
DRAMA C++, Depreciated, don't use for new code

◆ Monitor()

void DcppMonitor::Monitor ( const DcppMonChangedRoutine  ChangedHandler,
const DcppHandlerRoutine  CompletedHandler,
const DcppVoidPnt  ClientData,
const bool  SendCurrent,
const int  count,
StatusType *const  status,

Start a monitor operation.

This method causes a monitor message to be sent to the task. If status is ok on return, then the action/UFACE context should reschedule to handle the messages. It should invoked DcppDispatch() to disptach messages to the handler routines.

ChangedHandlerA function to be invoked when the parameter value changes.
CompletedHandlerA function which is invoked when the monitor operation completes
ClientDataPassed to the handler routines
SendCurrentSet true to send the current values of the parameters right away
countThe number of parmeters to monitor. If negative, then there is only one more argument after status and it is a char * string containing a list of parameter names. If zero, then no parameters are to be monitored (through the transactions is started. If postive, then we have that number of extra arguments after status which are the names of parameters to be monitored.
statusInherited status
...See count for details, but all are of type "const char *".