AAO DRAMA C++ Interface (Old style)
DRAMA C++, Depreciated, don't use for new code
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CEnumA class which reads Enumerated values from a SDS argument structures
 CEnumLookupClassA virtual base class for the lookup class template arguments to GitTpl::Enum
 CIntA class which reads integer values from an SDS argument structure
 CRealA class which reads real values from an SDS argument structure
 CStringA class which reads a a string item from an SDS structure
 CArgA C++ Interface to the SDS Arg library
 CDcppBuffersA structure representing message buffer sizes
 CDcppHandlerA DRAMA Action reschedule handler used in conjunction with DcppTask
 CDcppMonitorA class which runs DRAMA parameter monitoring transactions
 CDcppSharedThis is used to create and represent a shared memory segment
 CDcppTaskA Class which provides access to DRAMA's message sending facilities
 CDisconHandlerDisconnect handler abstract type
 CDcppTransactionA type used to connect DcppHandler and DcppTask
 CGitThe GitArgGet flags set up appropriately for C++
 CGitBoolA class which reads logical values from SDS argument structures
 CGitEnumA class which reads Enumerated values from a SDS argument structures
 CGitIntA class which reads integer values from an SDS argument structure
 CGitLoggerImplementation of a Class supporting Logging with a DRAMA GIT Task
 CGitLogStrTypeA type used to store true and false string equivalent values
 CGitRealA class which reads real values from an SDS argument structure
 CGitResetTypeA class used to represent the type of RESET operation
 CGitTaskA class built on DcppTask which control AAO GIT Tasks
 CGitTaskActiveListManage the list of active tasks
 CGitTaskActiveListIteratorAn Iterator for the list of active tasks
 CGitTaskKnownListA list of the currently known GIT tasks
 CGitTaskKnownListIteratorAn Iterator for the list of known tasks
 CGitTaskResponseHandlerBase object used to handle reponses to the GitTask messages
 CSdpA C++ Interface to the DRAMA Simple DITS Parameter System (SDP)
 CSdsArrayAccessHelperHelper class for access to an SDS Scaler Array
 CInvalidIndexExceptionThis class is thrown by the SdsArrayAccessHelper index operator when it is found the index is invalid
 CNoDataExceptionThis class is thrown by the SdsArraAccessHelper index operator when it is found there is no data to access
 CSdsArrayByteThis is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiated for access to SDS_BYTE type items
 CSdsArrayCharThis is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiated for access to SDS_CHAR type items
 CSdsArrayDoubleThis is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiationed for access ot SDS_DOUBLE type items
 CSdsArrayFloatThis is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiated for access ot SDS_FLOAT type items
 CSdsArrayINT32This is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiationed for access ot SDS_INT type items
 CSdsArrayINT64This is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiationed for access ot SDS_I64 type items
 CSdsArrayShortThis is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiationed for access ot SDS_SHORT type items
 CSdsArrayUbyteThis is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiated for access to SDS_UBYTE type items
 CSdsArrayUINT32This is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiationed for access ot SDS_UINT type items
 CSdsArrayUINT64This is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiationed for access ot SDS_UI64 type items
 CSdsArrayUshortThis is the SdsArrayAccessHelper class Instantiated for access to SDS_USHORT type items
 CSdsIdA C++ Interface to the handling SDS structures
 CSdsIDCheckerA class to check for SDS leaks