AAO DRAMA C++ Interface (Old style)
DRAMA C++, Depreciated, don't use for new code
GitLogger Member List

This is the complete list of members for GitLogger, including all inherited members.

CheckDayChange(int newDay, StatusType *status)GitLogger
GetLogger(StatusType *const status)GitLoggerstatic
GitLogger(const char *system, StatusType *status, const char *dir=0, bool compress=false)GitLogger
GitLoggerTune (defined in GitLogger)GitLoggerfriend
Log(unsigned level, bool nofmt, const char *prefix, StatusType *status, const char *fmt,...)GitLogger
Log(const IMP_AbsTime *time, unsigned level, bool nofmt, const char *prefix, StatusType *status, const char *fmt,...)GitLogger
Set(unsigned newFileLevels, unsigned newScreenLevels, StatusType *status)GitLogger
SetTimeOffset(long int t)GitLoggerinlinestatic
Unset(unsigned newFileLevels, unsigned newScreenLevels, StatusType *status)GitLogger
~GitLogger() (defined in GitLogger)GitLoggerprotected