DtclTkDialogButOpts - Get/Set the options for the predefined button types used by DtclTkDialog


Get/Set the options for the predefined button types used by DtclTkDialog


DtclTkDialog supports three predefined button types. These types used predefind options. The three types are "Cancel", "Ok" and "Special" buttons - and DtclTkDialog uses flag characters to specify that the appropiate pre-defined options are used.

This command allows you to Get or Set the options for the button type.

These settings take effect from the next call to DtclTkDialogButOpts.

By default, Cancel buttons have a white foreground can red background, whilst Ok buttons have a green background and white foreground. The special button type has no particular defaults. Note, whilst colors are commonly changed, any options to the Tk "button" command can be specified


DtclTkDialogButOpts CancelOkSpecial [options...]


>typeCancelOkSpecialThe type of button for which we are setting or getting the options.

>argsstringsIf supplied, the options to be used for that button.


      DtclTkDialogButOpts Special -fg gold -bg black

   This example sets the special button type (introduced by the + tag) to
   use a forground of gold and a background of black.

See Also

DTCL manual, DtclTkDialogButOpts()


Tony Farrell, AAO

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