DtclTkDialog - Creates a dialog box containing a bitmap, message and one or more buttons


Creates a dialog box containing a bitmap, message and one or more buttons


This procedure is similar to tk_dialog, but is optimized for use in Dtcl/Dtk programs. In particular, is does not use tk_wait, which can cause problems. Instead, you must supply a command which will be invoked when a button is pressed.

Window positioning is handled by DtclTkDialogPosition - please see that command for details.


DtclTkDialog w title text [bitmap] default command arg1 [args...]


>wtk window nameWindow to use for dialog top-level. If the window name is prefixed with !, then the format is !class.w where class is the class name to be given to the dialog and .w is the window name.
>titlestringTitle to display in dialog's decorative frame.
>textstringMessage to display in dialog.
>bitmaptk bitmap nameBitmap to display in dialog. An empty string means none.
>defaultintegerIndex of button that is to display the default ring. Use -1 to indicate no default.
>commandstringCommand to be invoked when a button is pressed. It will have button number appended.
>argsstringsOne or more strings to display in buttons across the bottom of the dialog box. There are three flag characters which can be pre-appended to the button string to change the behaviour. By default, the dialog is destroyed when the button is pressed. If button name is pre-appended with a dash (-), then the dash is removed and the dialog is not destroyed when the button is pressed. The three other flag ("!", "*", "+") are used to select pre-defined options for changine the display of the button. "!" indicates a Cancel button and uses appropiate colors. "*" Indicates an Ok button and uses appropiate colors. "+" indicates a special button and uses appropiate options (currently none). These colors can all be changed using the DtclTkDialogButOpts command.

See Also

DTCL manual, tk_dialog(n), DtclTkDialogButOpts(n)


Tony Farrell, AAO

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 For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au