Returns the original value as an integer.
> | level | integer | zero to turn debugging off, otherwise turn it on.
The on values represent a bit mask to which th
debugging level is set. You or the various bits
to set a desrired value. See mode for the bit values
> | mode | char | Alternative strings to control logging. The
specified modes (more then one allows) will
be enabled and all other modes turned off.
BASIC | Basic stuff (1) |
IMPSYS | Output full details of IMP Sys message handling (2) |
IMPINIT | Log details of calls which initiate IMP Ops (4) |
MON | Log monitor handling details (8) |
ACT | Log action handling details (16) |
DETAILS | Log details of such things as message lengths (32) |
BULK | Log bulk data operatiosn (64) |
LIBS | Turn on logging in libraries (128) |
IMPEVENTS | Turn on IMP event logging (256) |
RXLPEXIT | Receive loop exit (4096) |
SDSCHK | Check for SDS leaks (32768) |
Turn off only. Must be first and only.
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