DitsLogMsg - Log a message using the DRAMA logging facility.


Log a message using the DRAMA logging facility.


If DRAMA has an enabled logging system then this command calls the logLogMsg routine enabled by that logging system. The intention is to allow libraries and user code to log.

If no logging system is enabled, then this call does nothing.

The most common DRAMA logging system is GitLogger(3). Normally the application initialises GitLogger(), which tells DRAMA to use GitLogger(3) to write log messages.


DitsLogMsg <level> [<level>...] prefix message


>levelcharThe logging level to be assoicated with this message. If one of the specified levels is enabled then the message is written to the log file (as determined by the loging system. The suppored levels are

-startup Message is a task startup/initialise log message.
-inst Message concerns running instrumentation.
-user1 User defined level 1.
-user2 User defined level 2.
-all Always log this message to the file.

>prefixcharA prefix string for the message, indicating say the library concerned.

>messagecharThe message to log.



See Also

DTCL manual, DitsLogMsg(3), GitLogger(3), DitsLogSysEnabled(n).


Tony Farrell, AAO

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 For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au