> | parent_id | SdsIdType | The identifier of the structure to which the object is to be added. Use a value of zero to create a new top level object. |
> | name | char* | The name of the object to create. The name should be of maximum length 16 characters including the terminating null. |
> | nextra | long | The number of bytes of extra information to be included (maximum 128). |
> | extra | char* | The extra information to be included with the item. nextra bytes from here are copied into the structure. |
> | code | SdsCodeType | The type code for the item to be created. One of the following values (defined in sds.h): |
SDS_STRUCT | Structure |
SDS_CHAR | Character |
SDS_BYTE | Signed byte |
SDS_UBYTE | Unsigned byte |
SDS_SHORT | Signed short integer |
SDS_USHORT | Unsigned short integer |
SDS_INT | Signed long integer |
SDS_UINT | Unsigned long integer |
SDS_I64 | Signed 64 bit integer |
SDS_UI64 | Unsigned 64 bit integer |
SDS_FLOAT | Floating point |
Double precision floating point
> | ndims | long | Number of dimensions for the item. Zero to create a scalar item. |
> | dims | unsigned long* | Array of dimensions for the item. Should be of size at least ndims. A NULL pointer may be used if the item is a scalar. |
< | id | SdsIdType* | Identifier to the created object. |
! | status | StatusType* | Modified status. Possible failure codes are: |
SDS__BADID | Invalid identifier |
SDS__NOMEM | Insufficient memory for creation |
SDS__LONGNAME | name is too long |
SDS__EXTRA | Too much extra data |
SDS__INVCODE | Invalid type code |
SDS__INVDIMS | Invalid dimensions |
SDS__NOTSTRUCT | Parent is not a structure |
SDS__EXTERN | Parent is external |
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For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au