If "values" is non-zero, then it is an array of acceptables values. If the actual value is not in this array, then status is set to GIT__ARGVAL.
If "defVal" is non-zero, then if there is any error in getting the value, including its value not being acceptable, the actual value is it to that specified by "defVal" and status will be reset to OK, (see flags arguments to change the effect on status).
> | id | SdsIdType | Id of the argument system. |
> | name | Char * | Name of the argument to get |
> | position | int | The position of the argument. This is used if "name" is a null pointer, an empty string or if we can't find an SDS structure item of that name. |
> | values | Char *{[]} | If non-null, array of pointers to the possible values. Terminate with 0. |
> | defVal | Char * | If non-null, the default value. Note, this value is NOT validated against the values array. |
> | flags | Int | A bit-mask of flags. Possible values are
GIT_M_ARG_UPPER | Convert value to upper case. |
GIT_M_ARG_LOWER | Convert value to lower case. |
GIT_M_ARG_KEEPERR | If we use the default value, return the error which caused it to be taken. (If we don't have a default value, then we return the error). |
GIT_M_ARG_ABBREV | Allow abbreviations. The minimum abbreviation is 2 characters. The first value in the "values" array which is correct to length of the supplied value is used. The full length value is copyied from "values" to actValue. |
GIT_M_ARG_KEEPVALERR | Only retain the error if we found the item (and its value was in error). If we did not find the item, then return status ok and the default. |
> | actValLen | Int | Length of actValue |
< | actValue | Char * | The actual value is written here. |
< | index | Int * | If non-null - if we found a value in the values array, this is the index to that value. Otherwise, it is set to -1. |
! | status | StatusType * | Modified status. If we have an
error and GIT_M_ARG_KEEPERR is true then a message
is reported using {\tt ErsRep} and status is set.
In addition to error codes from the underlying
Arg and Sds routines, one of the following may be
GIT__NOARG | The argument id is zero or no item was found. Will not be returned if GIT_M_ARG_KEEPVALERR flag is set, in that case, just return the default with status ok. |
GIT__ARGVAL | Invalid argument value, not one of those specified in the values array. |
SdsFreeId | Sds | Free and Sds Id. |
ArgGetString | Arg | Get an argument value |
ErsRep | Ers | Report an error. |
ErsPush | Ers | Increase error context |
ErsPop | Ers | Decreate error context |
ErsAnnul | Ers | Annul error messages |
islower | CRTL | Determines if a character is lower case. |
isupper | CRTL | Determines if a character is upper case. |
toupper | CRTL | Convert a character to upper case. |
tolower | CRTL | Convert a character to lower case. |
strcmp | CRTL | Compare one string to anoterh |
strncpy | CRTL | Copy one string to another. |
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For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au