Handlers are added for the following actions
INITIALISE | Simply set simulation and output a message, |
CTRLC | Does nothing. |
DUMP_LOG | Currently, does nothing. |
EXIT | Causes task to exit. |
LOG_LEVEL | Currently does nothing |
POLL | Outputs a message and waits for a message. |
POLL_PARAMETER | Currently does nothing |
RESET | Output a message. |
SIMULATE_LEVEL | Sets the simulation level. |
UPDATE_NBD | Does nothing. |
UMONITOR | Calls the DmonCommand routine. |
The following parameters are created -
LOG_LEVEL | Default value "NONE" |
SIMULATE_LEVEL | No default value |
TIME_BASE | Default value 1.0 |
ENQ_DEV_TYPE | Default value "IDT" |
ENQ_DEV_DESCR | Default value "Generic Instrument task" |
ENQ_VER_NUM | Default value = git version number |
ENQ_VER_DATE | Default value = git version date |
ENQ_DEV_NUMTIEM | Default value 0. |
> | parsysid | SdsIdType | The parameter system id returned by a call to SdpInit |
! | status | StatusType * | Modified status.
DitsPutActionHandlers | Dits | Put some action handlers. |
SdpCreate | Dits-Sdp | Create parameters. |
MessPutFacility | Mess | Add a new message facility. |
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For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au