GitActivate - Activate the Generic instrument task action handlers.


Activate the Generic instrument task action handlers.


Default actions handlers for all the standard Generic instrument task actions are put using DitsPutActionHandlers and the standard parameters are created using SdpCreate.

Handlers are added for the following actions

INITIALISE Simply set simulation and output a message,
CTRLC Does nothing.
DUMP_LOG Currently, does nothing.
EXIT Causes task to exit.
LOG_LEVEL Currently does nothing
POLL Outputs a message and waits for a message.
POLL_PARAMETER Currently does nothing
RESET Output a message.
SIMULATE_LEVEL Sets the simulation level.
UPDATE_NBD Does nothing.
UMONITOR Calls the DmonCommand routine.

The following parameters are created -

LOG_LEVEL Default value "NONE"
SIMULATE_LEVEL No default value
TIME_BASE Default value 1.0
ENQ_DEV_TYPE Default value "IDT"
ENQ_DEV_DESCR Default value "Generic Instrument task"
ENQ_VER_NUM Default value = git version number
ENQ_VER_DATE Default value = git version date
ENQ_DEV_NUMTIEM Default value 0.




(Void) = GitActivate (parsysid, status)


(">" input, "!" modified, "W" workspace, "<" output)

>parsysidSdsIdTypeThe parameter system id returned by a call to SdpInit
!statusStatusType *Modified status.

Include files


External functions used

DitsPutActionHandlersDits Put some action handlers.
SdpCreateDits-Sdp Create parameters.
MessPutFacilityMess Add a new message facility.

External values used


Prior requirements

DitsInit and SdpInit should have been called. Should not be called from a Dits action handler routine.


Tony Farrell, AAO

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