The integer argument becomes the action argument and can be fetched using DulIntGetArgument().
A wrap of this routine is provided by DulIntISR(). This wrap up could be used as a complete ISR whilst DulIntSignal(3) allows you to send an argument and check status.
This routine uses DitsEnableTask() to enable correct DRAMA task context, then uses DitsSignal() to signal that task and DitsRestoreTask() to restore the task context.
This routine is designed so that it can be invoked from VxWorks interrupt service routnes, but it can be used any time it is required to signal an action.
Normally, any errors are reported using ErsRep(), and status is set bad. But when run in a VxWorks interrupt service routine, the VxWorks routine will be used to report a message to the console. This is also done if this routine is used in a different VxWorks task from the task which is being signalled.
> | v | DulIntType | The variable describing the action to signal. |
> | arg | long int | Argument to be passed to the action. |
! | status | StatusType * | Modified status.
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