DitsImpRedirect - Redirects the ImpNetLocate and ImpConnect calls


Redirects the ImpNetLocate and ImpConnect calls


This routine arranges for all calls for ImpNetLocate and ImpConnect to be redirected to user routines that perform the same function. This allows the user to handle some functionality that Imp doesn't handle particularly well - for example, setting path sizes and the nodes on which machines are found.

The user must, of course, call ImpNetLocate and ImpConnect within their routines in order to do the normal Imp processing.

Users should note that DitsDumpImp also redirects the ImpNetLocate and ImpConnect calls using the same mechanism, and so the use of DitsDumpImp and DitsImpRedirect at the same time is incompatible.

To switch back to the normal Imp behaviour, call DitsImpRedirect( ImpNetLocate, ImpConnect, &status );

A NULL or 0 function pointer for one of the routines will not do anything.




(void) = DitsImpRedirect ( NetLocate, Connect, &status );


(">" input, "!" modified, "W" workspace, "<" output)

>NetLocateDits___NetLocateTypeA pointer to a function that is a replacement for ImpNetLocate.
>ConnectDits___ConnectTypeA pointer to a function that is a replacement for ImpConnect.
!statusStatusType *Modified status.

Include files



Tony Farrell, AAO

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 For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au