DitsGetEntName - Get the name associated with the current entry of the current action.


Get the name associated with the current entry of the current action.


This item may or may not be defined for the current entry, depending on the Reason for the entry. See DitsGetEntInfo for details.

Note, this function is implemented as a macro.




(const char *) = DitsGetEntName()

Function Value

A pointer to the name assocaited with the current action. This is a null terminated string which will be valid the action until the action reschedules.

Include files


External functions used


External values used

DitsTask - Details of the current task

Prior requirements

Can only be called from a Dits application routine or a user interface response routine.

See Also

The Dits Specification Document, DitsPutActions(3), DitsPutActionHandlers(3), DitsInitiateMessage(3), DitsSignalByName(3), DitsSignalByIndex(3), DitsGetEntInfo(3), DitsGetReason(3), DitsGetEntStatus(3), DitsGetEntReason(3), DitsGetEntPath(3), DitsGetEntTransId(3)


Tony Farrell, AAO

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 For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au