ArgPut1DArraySElem - Put a 1D string array element.


Put a 1D string array element.


Put an element of a 1D string array item into an ARG structure. The item is created if it does not exist.

Does not convert items like the other Arg routines - if the item already exists it must be at least as long as required and of the same type.




void ArgPut1DArraySElem(id, name, dim, index, data, status)


(">" input, "!" modified, "W" workspace, "<" output)

>idSdsIdTypeIdentifier to the structure.
>namechar*Name of the component to be written to.
>slenunsigned longNumber of items in each string element. If the item does not already exist, it will be created with this number of character in each string. If it does exist, it must have at least this number. This length must include the null terminator. If zero, use the length of the string.
>dimunsigned longNumber of elements in array. If array does not already exist, it will be created with this number of elements. If it does exist, it must have at least this number of elements. IF zero, use index+1.
>indexunsigned intIndex of item to be inserted.
>datachar *The data to be inserted.
!statusStatusType*Modified status. Possible failure codes are:

SDS__NOMEM Insufficient memory for creation
SDS__BADID Invalid Identifier
SDS__INVDIMS Item exists but it not a 1 D array or is 1 D but has less then "dim" elements. Or index is greater then dim-1.
SDS__INVTYPE Item exists but it not of type SDS_DOUBLE.


Tony Farrell, {AAO}

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