dtk - Tk user interface to DRAMA
Tk user interface to DRAMA
This program is used to set up graphical user interface to DRAMA
based on the Tcl command language and Tk widget set.
The -t option should be used to specify a Tcl script which defines
the graphical user interface. The user interface events can be used to
invoke actions in Drama tasks by sending messages to them.
It extends Tcl to provide commands to send obey, kick and parameter
set and get messages to tasks, and to allow building of SDS argument
DTK is itself a DRAMA task and has an action
allows a command to be invoked in its Tcl interpreter.
dtk [options]
Command options
- -b size
- Size is the total message buffer size.
Default 15000. It is automatically increased such that
at least one reply buffer of the size specified by -m will
be accepted. You will only have to use this option if you will
be communicating with more then one task.
- -m n1:n2:n3
- Sets message buffer sizes for connections to other tasks.
n1 = Messages bytes allowed for message to be sent
n2 = Messages bytes allowed for return messages
n3 = Number of return messages which may occur
Default is 8000:800:10 which should be sufficient for
most tasks
- -n name
- The name this task should register itself as. Default
is DTCL. This option may be required if you intend
to have several versions of this program outstanding
at one time.
- -t file
- Filename of a Tcl script to be invoked on intialization.
- -logging
- Enable logging of DRAMA messages
- -mayload
- This program may load other programs directly. Normally,
the DRAMA master task must be running.
- -display name
- Specify X display
- -geometry value
- Specify initial window geometry.
- -sync
- Run with X Synchronize enabled
- -stdin
- If a script is specified, accept commands from stdin after
reading the script. By default, we don't use stdin
if a script is specified.
- -globalnames
- Force DRAMA names to be placed in the global
namespace. For Tcl 8.0+ only. For prior versions
of TCL, DRAMA names are always placed in the global
- -noglobalnames
- Force DRAMA names to not be placed in the global
namespace. For Tcl 8.0+ only. For prior versions
of TCL, DRAMA names are always placed in the global
See Also
DTCL manual, dtcl(1), Dtcl_Init(3), wish(1), DtclTkAppMainLoop(3),
DitsAppInit(3), Dits Specification.
Jeremy Bailey, AAO
Currently not avaliable under VxWorks
Click here for the DRAMA home page and
here for the AAO home page.
For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au