DRAMA People

DRAMA has been written by three members of the Anglo-Australian Observatory's (now Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University) software group.

Jeremy Bailey was been responsible for the SDS library and the inception and early developement of the DRAMA Tcl interface. Jeremy moved back into Astronomy full-time and has now retired. some time ago.

Keith Shortridge was responsible for the underlying message protocol known as IMP. Keith is in semi-retirement and no longer working at the AAO, but he is available for consulting work.

Tony Farrell has been responsible for most of the rest of DRAMA.

Many others have submitted bug reports and fixes over the years. Special mentions for Nick and Russell from JACH. (Both are now elsewhere).

We are quite willing to answer any questions on DRAMA. We acknowledge the feedback of the many people who have used DRAMA both at the AAO and elsewhere as well as the many onlookers who have given useful comment.

Click here for the DRAMA home page and here for the AAO home page.

 For more information, contact tony.farrell@mq.edu.au